

The Environmental Benefits of Veganism

Why would you choose to go vegan, especially if you’re not an animal lover? Some people are choosing to go vegan out of concern for their health, while others want to make their lives more environmental-friendly.

Going vegan and cutting out animal products can seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth the effort in the long run. The meat industry has taken its toll on the environment, and it’s only getting worse. Not only does raising livestock require massive amounts of space, water, and grain, but the sheer number of animals being raised around the world creates a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. By switching to a vegan diet, you can help reduce your carbon footprint, save animals from torture, and contribute to saving the planet from further damage.

Here are six reasons why you should consider going vegan and making the switch to an environmentally friendly diet. The more people who follow this lifestyle, the more our planet will benefit from it.

1) Reduced Waste

The average American creates 4.3 pounds of trash per day, which is quite a lot. But going vegan makes it significantly easier to cut down on your waste production by eliminating meat and dairy from your diet. By choosing food products with less packaging like vegetables, you’ll also reduce overall packaging waste.

2) Supporting Cruelty-Free Products

A vegan diet doesn’t have to exclude cruelty-free products. When making purchases, make sure that none of your chosen items are tested on animals. Cruelty-free beauty and personal care items are commonly available in stores like Target and Amazon. If you prefer to shop online, look for a cruelty-free seal of approval on websites like Logical Harmony and Choose Cruelty-Free. Both sites offer lists of non-vegan ingredients and their alternatives. Make a list of companies that makes products that involve animal cruelty so you can remember what to steer clear of.

3) Saving Money

Even if you don’t buy organic foods or are selective about what you eat, there is no denying that meat and dairy products are more costly than legumes and grains. You can also plant your own vegetables right outside your home. Sell vegetables to neighbors and friends! You’ll be saving and earning at the same time. It’s also guaranteed to be fresh produce rather than having day-old meat in the supermarket.


4) Promoting Animal Welfare

Although many industries are guilty of exploiting animals, animal products are still widely available at grocery stores, restaurants, and even convenience stores. By eating vegan, you can save hundreds of animals each year from being bred for food or trapped in laboratories. Supporting sustainable agriculture: The best way to protect our environment is to support local farms and reduce our reliance on agricultural imports. You can also consider donating to a non-profit organization that protects animal rights. Set one up yourself! Aside from restricting yourself from meat, you can also set up donations at the best GoFundMe alternatives to raise money for your cause.

5) Improving Your Health

Eating plant-based foods helps lower your risk of developing diabetes, cancer, and heart disease—all chronic conditions that cost Americans billions per year in medical bills. It’s as simple as moving away from eating unnecessary animal products like dairy, eggs, and chicken. If you’re looking to take action on a smaller scale, consider making small changes to incorporate vegan meals every week.

For example, start by having oatmeal for breakfast instead of bacon and eggs, swap tofu into one of your favorite dishes, or try using almond milk instead of regular milk. There are lots of easy ways to add more plant-based food into your diet without completely disrupting it. Plus, with growing resources available online like websites dedicated exclusively to providing delicious recipes, it doesn’t have to be intimidating!

6) Improving The Environment

Although veganism has become more popular in recent years, it’s still not seen as a mainstream lifestyle choice. There are various environmental benefits to choosing a vegan diet—most notably, it significantly reduces your carbon footprint. Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally, making it one of humanity’s largest contributors to climate change. By cutting out animal products from your life, you could help protect animals from cruelty on factory farms and conserve precious resources like water and energy used for animal agriculture.

Going vegan is good for both you and our planet. The health benefits are undeniable, as switching to a plant-based diet can help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even cancer. In addition to lowering your risk of developing major diseases, going vegan reduces your carbon footprint significantly, is kinder to animals, and helps conserve our rapidly depleting natural resources.

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